
Organic Tonka Beans - Amazon

Product’s description

Midway between fruit and spice, tonka bean is the dried seed of a tropical tree that only grows in South America.

Its fragrance is both unique and highly evocative of well-known flavors: almond, caramel, freshly cut hay, vanilla...

Very versatile, this little marvel can be used both raw and in maceration, suitable for sweet dishes (custards, creams, cakes...) as well as savory ones (salads, white meats, vegetables...)

How to use it? Simply grate it to create small shavings or pass it through a grinder.

Available in sets of 10 or in a 250-gram refill pouch. Ref: ton


41 Impasse des Prairies de la Dîme, 13300 Salon-de-Provence, France

Product’s features

Product Information

Brand product VANISSA
Dietary preferences additive free, vegan
Buyer margin < 2
Quantity per unit
Shipping packaging cardboard
Made in France
Eco-friendly commitments zero waste, cruelty free, vegan, upcycling
Product packaging glass
Target market branded products for supermarkets and traditional commerce, RHD products, wholesaler


41 Impasse des Prairies de la Dîme, 13300 Salon-de-Provence, France
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