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172 Avenue Robert Schuman, 1401 Baulers, Belgium
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Dolfin, the lovely chocolate factory

When it comes to chocolate, Belgium has a few gems. Dolfin is one of them. In his workshops in Walloon Brabant, the great maître chocolatier makes taste rhyme with quality, originality, and environmental commitment.

To offer chocolates with exceptional flavors, Dolfin carries on the tradition by choosing the best cocoa beans. Its products are less sweet, less fatty, and richer in cocoa than the average. From milk chocolate with 37% cocoa to dark chocolate with 60%, 70% or 88% cocoa, each recipe has been carefully developed. You can choose to enjoy it pure, but you can also opt for new, different pleasures.

The Maison's master chocolatiers have become experts in mixing flavors. For a little "crack" to provoke a big "shock", they dare to mix everything, from the simplest to the most surprising ingredients. The range of recipes is impressive. They have all been elaborated with the greatest concern for harmony and balance between the different ingredients, carefully proportioned. The ingredients are also carefully chosen, with emphasis on short-distance and organic production, whenever possible, for the most natural products possible. Dolfin was among the first companies that dared to combine chocolate and pink pepper, chocolate and ginger, or chocolate and lavender. Today, the taste buds of chocolate lovers demand not only taste and finesse, but also audacity and surprise.

Cocoa Act 4

Everyone has a role to play for the future of the planet, and Dolfin has decided to take a leading role by investing in a new ethical sustainability program: the Cocoa Act 4. Indeed, the company is doing everything possible to ensure that the cocoa beans it uses are sourced in accordance with these values.

Why the "Cocoa Act 4" program? Because there are four pillars to this program that Dolfin wants to be both clear and effective.

First, the human being is at the center of the brand's concerns, which is committed to improving the standard of living of cocoa bean producers, thanks to a "quality" bonus but also a "chocolate bonus" that will allow the realization of projects within the community (schools, dispensaries, maternity wards, access to water...). Dolfin also wants chocolate to rhyme with the preservation of the planet by practicing a reasoned agriculture, by ensuring the training of cocoa producers, by putting a stop to deforestation, by betting on reforestation, and by reducing by 80% the use of plastic in its packaging. The third impacting element, and not the least, is the quality of the product. At Dolfin, only the highest quality ingredients of natural origin are used. The fresh beans are rigorously selected and then fermented and dried in a Dolfin center in the Ivory Coast, for a chocolate with an exceptional taste. Finally, Dolfin wants to act in full transparency. Traceability from the bean to the bar has become essential. The brand's commitments are clear, concrete, and measurable. They will be the subject of an annual report that can be consulted at any time on the brand's website and thanks to a QR code present on the products.


Gourmet Selection 24

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