Ramos Lagar, Lda


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Legal name
Business address
2 bd de la vanne, 94240 L'hay les roses, France
Full name
Marco Ramos
Directeur commercial et marketing

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Vacinata is a castle that existed in the hills of Cótimos until the 11th century. The Ramos family (Luis, Augusta and Marco) come from this village. Olive groves that have been restored and gathered to revitalize an abandoned "terroir".
Traditional olive groves with large spaces between each olive tree and different varieties: the traditional Galega, but also Madural, Cobrançosa and Picual. A mixture created by history, a "natural blend": no calculation in the proportions of each variety. The result is olive oils that are unique and marked by the geological characteristics of this region near the Douro. Mountain oils.

A mechanized harvesting allowing a freshness and uniformity of the olives that assure an excellent quality of the oils and a very low acidity rate. The olives are processed at the Ramos Lagar mill, the family's facility. From the first cold pressure, the oils are obtained directly from the olives and only from mechanical processes.

We present 2 kinds of extra-virgin olive oils:
* Terras Senhoriais : a green fruity and organic with herbaceous aromas of artichoke and green cabbage, slightly bitter and spicy.
* Val d'Dama : a ripe fruity, full-bodied, with flavours of carob, roasted cashew nuts, pecan nuts and ripe tomatoes.

* 2020: gold medal at EVOOIOC (Italy), bronze medal at LIOOC (London)
* 2022: silver medal at LIOOC (London)

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